PODCALM, the mental recovery solution

Taking care of caregivers to better care for patients:
Caregivers are under intense stress throughout their day and/or night. Between work overload, staggered hours and permanence, it is therefore difficult for them to have time to isolate themselves, disconnect, reconnect to themselves and relax to resume their activity more serenely. the PODCALM offers different relaxation programs adapted to their problem, once lying inside, they can completely relax their mind and, in turn, re-energize the body. This ensures better patient care later on.
Beeps, tears, doors, loud voices: hospitals are increasingly noisy places. The caregiver is subjected to a large amount of information during the day, sometimes for immediate interventions and others only require simple attention. The PODCALM thanks to its cocoon shape, allows the caregiver to have a place out of sight in order to release all the tensions accumulated during the day.
Musculoskeletal disorders are recurrent in the field of health and can have serious physiological consequences. In order to prevent them, solutions are possible, once installed in le PODCALM, the caregiver finds himself in a zero gravity position which allows total relaxation of all the muscles of the body.
Why equip its hospitals with a PODCALM?
A double challenge : preserve the mental and physical health of nursing staff to reduce stress while avoiding turnover, burn-out and absenteeism. Thus, the nursing staff can ensure optimal patient care.
By choosing to equip your hospital or clinic with a PODCALM, you allow your caregivers to have a place where they can disconnect from the outside world for a few minutes for a multisensory relaxation session that will mobilize their 4 senses.
the PODCALM allows you to reconnect the mind to the body thanks to our patented technology combining aromatherapy, music therapy (meditation/sophrology), light therapy and vibratory waves.

POD'CALM at the service of the nursing staff of the Gustave Roussy hospital in Paris

Dr. Arnaud Depil-Duval
Hospital Practitioner Emergency Medicine at AP-HP
" PODCALM allows you to take a real break, to deeply recharge your batteries, especially during on-call periods. We come out rested and this allows us to resume our activities by being more concentrated, to be operational but also to improve our mental state. We all know that fatigue increases stress, vulnerability, mistakes... but also affects morale. This bubble is both restorative and energizing ".
comments dr.Arnaud Depil-Duval, Department of Emergency Lariboisière Hospital - Paris X of the AP-HP, Public Assistance - Hospitals of Paris.